Calling subscribe
tells inner emitter function (producer) that the observer (consumer) is ready to receive emissions:
Also take a look at rxjs/constructor to better understand the producer-consumer connection
123456789101112131415161718192021222324const { rxObserver } = require('api/v0.3'); const { interval } = require('rxjs'); // source stream -- an interval // emitting at 50ms, 100ms, 150ms, 200ms, 250ms, etc const source$ = interval(50); // observer to draw marbles on the diagram const marbleObserver = rxObserver(); // unsubscribe from source$ in 200ms const subscription = source$ .subscribe(v => { console.log(v);; // draw a marble }); // unsubscribe from source$ in 220ms setTimeout(() => { subscription.unsubscribe(); marbleObserver.complete(); // complete diagram }, 220);