Creates a combined stream from source and other provided streams.
When source emits a value — resulting Observable will emit a combined value of source emission and all latest values on provided streams.
Also take a look at rxjs/autorun package that let's you easily combine multiple streams emissions in any form
12345678910111213141516171819202122const { rxObserver } = require('api/v0.3'); const { timer } = require('rxjs'); const { withLatestFrom, take } = require('rxjs/operators'); const a$ = timer(0, 10).pipe( take(5) ); const b$ = timer(0, 4).pipe( take(7) ); const result$ = a$.pipe( withLatestFrom(b$) ); a$.subscribe(rxObserver('a$')); b$.subscribe(rxObserver('b$')); result$.subscribe(rxObserver('a$ :: withLatestFrom(b$)'));